Friday, May 30, 2008


Finally, after a long wait, my book is listed on and Others will follow, in the near future.
Just a quick note. Sleepy Town is now available through and (Web site listed below this email.)

This is a new listing for both web stores.

You are not obligated to order from Amazon. I just wanted you to see that it is finally out.

When I have the book, (I have some ordered.) my local store THINK TOYS will have a book signing. I will let you know, just in case you would like to drop by. I will have Zander there that day signing the book, also.

I have been asked to be on a radio broadcast that will be June 23rd. (World-Wide) I will give you more information, later.

I am already starting to line-up visits to local schools for the fall. (This will be a blast!)

I have been asked about visiting two local colleges and talking to the Children's Lit Classes about writing and illustrating a book.

The local tv station is interested in knowing more.

I hope to visit my local Public Library and have a "Sleepytown Day." More information later.

Please, go to my "artnbooks" (See my links.)site and check out the additions. I am not finished, but it looks good.

There are so many possiblities! I am very excited about a chance for me to promote reading, writing, and art. That is what I want to do. I WANT CHILDREN TO GET EXCITED ABOUT BOOKS AND ART!!!

I would love to start a local painting class, but I can not afford the expensive rental charges for a place. They want an arm and a leg, and I need all of mine. LOL

Pray that God opens a door. Right now, I will take a window.

Thank You for reading about my excitement over my book.

Oops, I almost missed telling you. I sent off a short story that hopefully will be selected for a collection this fall. Cross your fingers.

More excitement: I was rejected by a magazine. Why am I excited? The editor said that it was a good story. He said that he enjoyed reading it. He said that it takes talent to write a good story. (THIS MEANS A BUNCH TO ME.) It is not quite winning the Lottery, but close. Not really!

ON TOP OF THAT: He said that he hoped that I would send other submissions. THAT IS HUGE!!!

I included this good note because I know that ALL OF YOU understand how huge this is for me.

It was a horror story. I have sent it out, again, to another magazine. Who knows, this one might say "YES!"

"I would rather shoot at something and miss, than never shoot at all." -Randy

Please do not see this as a BRAG. I hate braggers! I am sharing a blessing.


Have a great summer.


Anonymous said...

If you're interested in books and art, you should consider licensing the new Let's Gogh Art program, They have a great StoryArt program.

Best of luck with your book publishing.

Miriam said...

Dear Randy,
I am so excited for you! I've been doing some writing myself. Only a hobby for me. Saw your blog while surfing. How great for you! Keep up the good work. Your grandson is a cutie! I'm a grandmother. Three boys. Time flies! God bless you.