Friday, April 11, 2008


Finally, the time has come. I can hardly believe it. I am so ready for a break.

Next week is Spring Break.

I do appreciate knowing that people stop by and read my blog. I do it for me and I do it for you. Hopefully, in all of the mix, it will help all of us. I always have a lot to say. I do not claim to know it all. Honest!

I will be out of town Sunday - Wednesday. If you stop in and nothing new has been posted, please check back later. It is possible that I will type posts and save them and then post them later. Yer! That is a good idea.

I used to be in contact with a guy from Australia. We chatted a lot. He got me to using "Yer!" for yes. Sorry, it just slips out.

I will post something esle later. This is just a quick note this morning.

Please, do me a favor. When my book comes out, go to your local book store and order it. It shows them that people do care about them having our books on the shelf.

WAIT: This sounds pretty selfish of me and I am not that kind of guy. When you go to a book store and ask for a certain book and order it, it helps ALL OF US! let's face it, major book stores do not get excited over authors. They get excited over money. It is a money game. They want to stock books that will make them money. If we ask for a book and have enough people order it, they say "Hmmmmm, maybe I should have this book in stock." Let's shake-up the book store world. Support people like me and us and them, buy our books.

I sound like I am groveling, huh? Okay, I won't do it anymore, after the next time. Okay? Have a great weekend. I have some great posts planned.


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